Many of us have a tendency, at times, to get caught up in “tomorrow,” anxiously turning the focus upon ourselves as to how we’re going to “get through” tomorrow. Then, to make matters worse, we lose sight of living out today and focusing on God, who has given us today, through which He wants to lead us, if we would just turn our eyes upon Him so we could follow Him. Live for today, setting your sights on Him, and let Him be in charge of your “tomorrows.”


Matthew 6:33-34 (NLT)

[Jesus said…]33 Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need. 34 So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.


James 4:13-15

13 Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, and spend a year there and engage in business and make a profit.” 14 Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away. 15 Instead, you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we will live and also do this or that.”


“Today is mine. Tomorrow is none of my business. If I peer anxiously into the fog of the future I will strain my spiritual eyes so that I will not see clearly what is required of me now!” ~ Elisabeth Elliot


The Lord bless you and keep you…

Pastor Dave