Are you a good listener? They can be few and far between. Often times while people are talking, the listener isn’t listening. Instead they’re thinking about what they want to say or how they’re going to reply. That’s not listening, and if we don’t listen we don’t understand what the other person is going through. Let’s develop the others-first discipline of becoming a good listener.


James 1:19 (NLT)

Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry.


“The charter text for Christian listening might be James 1:19. It’s simple enough in principle, and nearly impossible to live. Too often we are slow to hear, quick to speak, and quick to anger. So, learning to listen well won’t happen overnight. It requires discipline, effort, and intentionality. You get better with time, they say. Becoming a better listener hangs not on one big resolve to do better in a single conversation, but on developing a pattern of little resolves to focus in on particular people in specific moments.” ~ David Mathis


The Lord bless you and keep you…


Pastor Dave