Many watched yesterday as Hurricane Ian came ashore in Florida with record force and progressed slowly across the state. It will continue to churn toward the northeast today and into the weekend. Millions of people are being impacted. The ministry of intercessory prayer is vital and commanded by our God…so let’s intercede for those being effected to the only One who can respond to the situation effectively…to the God who sovereign over all. Prayer is our first and best response, not just a “last resort.”


1 Timothy 2:1

First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people.


“Intercession is the truly universal work for the Christian. No place is closed to intercessory prayer: no continent, no nation, no city, no organization, no office. No power on earth can keep intercession out.” ~ Richard Halverson


“Intercessory prayer might be defined as loving our neighbor on our knees.” ~ Charles Bent


The Lord bless you and keep you…

Pastor Dave