Had a tough week? Difficult circumstances got you down? Stop…change your focus…think about the good and gracious things that the Lord has done for you over time…how the Lord has cared for you in the midst of trouble and trial. Let Him be the Lord of your current circumstances as He has been in the past. Let HIS powerful joy be the strength in you…today…and every day.


Nehemiah 8:10

“Do not be grieved, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.”


Philippians 4:4

Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice!


“Spiritual joy is: The settled conviction that God sovereignly controls the events of life for the believers’ good and His glory.  Spiritual joy is not an attitude dependent on chance or circumstance.  It is the deep and abiding confidence that regardless of one’s circumstances in life, all is well between the believer and the Lord.  No matter what difficulty, pain, disappointment, failure, rejection, or other challenge one is facing, genuine joy remains because of that eternal well-being established by God’s grace in salvation. Thus, Scripture makes it clear that the fullest, most lasting and satisfying joy is derived from a true relationship with God.  It is not based on circumstances or chance, but is the gracious and permanent possession of every child of God.” ~ John MacArthur


The Lord bless you and keep you…

Pastor Dave