They are the significant words that you will see at the beginning of each of the thirteen New Testament letters written by the Apostle Paul, as well as the John’s letter to the churches in the Book of The Revelation…Grace and Peace.  They are the two essential spiritual commodities that every Christian needs on a daily basis…as important as the food we eat to sustain our physical existence.  Grace is the foundation of our salvation, from its inception and throughout eternity…which brings us into everlasting Peace with God, and from God, in our daily lives.  These can only be supplied by God, the Father, and our Lord, Jesus Christ, and they are faithfully supplied to us around the clock…and they get us through each and every day.  Give thanks for His Grace and Peace!


Ephesians 1:2

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.


“Our worst days are never so bad that you are beyond the reach of God’s grace [and peace]. And your best days are never so good that you are beyond the need of God’s grace [and peace].” ~ Jerry Bridges


The Lord bless you and keep you…in His grace and peace.

Pastor Dave