One thing is for certain. The longer the time is that we are not able to worship together in the way we were before this virus came upon us, the more God’s people yearn to return to “normal” corporate worship…in our churches…ALL together…with no need of any precautions of any kind.  But as we anticipate our eventual, full return to worshipping with one another on the Lord’s Day, let’s think about that time of collective worship…why we gather to worship…how we worship when we gather…and WHO we gather to worship.  Perhaps we do need a “new normal”…and perhaps one of the purposes of this “time” was to cause us to consider that.


Psalm 29:1-2

1 Ascribe to the LORD, O sons of the mighty, Ascribe to the LORD glory and strength. 2 Ascribe to the LORD the glory due to His name; Worship the LORD in holy array.


“The perfect church service, would be one we were almost unaware of. Our attention would have been on God.” ~ C.S. Lewis



Pastor Dave