Psalm 23:3

He guides me in the paths of righteousness For His name’s sake.


“Verse 3 promises guidance. Look at the last part of this verse. Literally, it means: ‘He guides me in the right tracks for His name’s sake.’  The Hebrew shepherd was a master at reading tracks. Many marks and paths sprawled across the rugged terrain. Some were made by wilderness beasts; others by robbers lying in wait. The wind also etched its subtle ‘track’ in the sand. To the untrained, dull eyes of the sheep, they all looked alike—like real paths. But they led nowhere. The sheep were wise to follow only their shepherd, who always led them along the ‘right track.’ After all, it was the shepherd’s reputation that was at stake: ‘for His name’s sake.'” ~ Chuck Swindoll


Blessings for honoring His name as you follow His lead…

Pastor Dave